Lehrstuhl für Finnougristik



Kolloquium SoSe 2024


15.04.2024 Robert Forkel (University of Passau):
Language Comparison with CLDF

Johann-Mattis List (University of Passau):
Towards a Bibliographic Collection of Language Resources
22.04.2024 Triin Todesk (University of Tartu):
The language shift of South Estonian speakers during the Soviet period
(NB: exceptionally at the institute; Ludwigstraße 31, room 327)
29.04.2024 Mariia Privizentseva (Leipzig University):
Multiple exponence in Finno-Ugric personal pronouns
06.05.2024 Valts Ernštreits & Gunta Kļava (Livonian Institute, University of Latvia): Less known indigenous people of Europe – Livonians – and why are they interesting
13.05.2024 Peter Arkadiev (University of Freiburg):
Differential double-marking of objects: Uralic and beyond
27.05.2024 Daria Zhornik (LMU Munich):
A report from the latest Northern Mansi field trip
03.06.2024 Idalia Fedotova (University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu):
Areal features in the Uralic languages of Siberia
10.06.2024 Ilya Egorov (LMU Munich)
17.06.2024 Ksenia Shagal & Zsófia Schön (LMU Munich):
Negative participles in Surgut Khanty
24.06.2024 Adél Furu (Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca)
1.7.2024 Renáta Kovács (University of Madrid):
Errors in metaphor acquisition in second language learning and effects on communication with native speakers
8.7.2024 Elia Calligari (University of Pavia)
15.7.2024 Zsófia Schön (LMU Munich):
Grammaticalization patterns of Yugan Khanty demonstratives                &
Zhiyuan Wang (LMU Munich)

Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 3872 0682
Passcode: 284661

Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (F) / F 007, 14:15-15:45 CEST

In diesem Kolloquium finden zahlreiche Vorträge zu aktuellen Forschungsthematiken der Uralistik und linguistischer Typologie statt.

Unter den Vortragenden befinden sich internationale Gäste aus verschiedenen uralischen Teildisziplinen, Mitarbeiter aber auch Studierende des Instituts für Finnougristik / Uralistik der LMU München. Fragerunden und Diskussionen folgen den Vorträgen.

This is a series of talks presenting recent advances in the fields of Uralic studies and linguistic typology. The talks are given by guest lecturers as well as the staff and students of the Institute of Finno-Ugric Studies. The presentations are followed by questions and general discussion.
