Gastdozentur von Dr. Maria Reile
20.–24. Januar 2025
Dr. Maria Reile is a research fellow in experimental pragmatics at the University of Tartu. She is a member ofReferential Practices work group, which focuses its research on Estonian referential devices, more specifically, demonstratives. She is also involved in several interdisciplinary collaboration projects, currently leading one of them, contributing her expertise in linguistics to research in sociology, philosophy, and user experience.
Montag, 20. Januar
14-16 Uhr (Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, M 105 oder Zoom:,
Meeting ID: 939 3872 0682, Passcode: 284661)
Referential devices in Estonian and its adjacent languages
Reference is a three-way relation between the speaker, the hearer and the referent. To create this relation, one can use various linguistic and nonlinguistic devices. In this talk, I will focus on Estonian referential devices, with a particular focus on demonstrative pronoun systems and the use of demonstrative pronouns. Additionally, I will compare the Estonian referential system with those of adjacent languages – Võro, Finnish, and Russian –, and describe where the Estonian two-way demonstrative pronoun system is positioned relative to those of other worlds languages. The talk is based on the findings of several collaborative studies conducted by the Referential Practices (RefPrakt) research group at the University of Tartu, Estonia, as well as other intra- and international research collaborations.
Donnerstag, 23. Januar
12-14 Uhr (Ludwigstr. 31, Raum 324)
Does Estonian too ‘that’ mean the same as Võro tuu ‘that’? Demonstratives in action
Demonstratives, words such as this and that, are linguistic devices that are used to create joint attention between the speaker and the hearer, and to refer to a specific referent in the surrounding space of the interlocutors or within a text. Demonstratives are an interesting linguistic phenomenon as they lack a concrete semantic meaning unlike content words, such as the word cat. Instead, demonstratives derive their meaning from the context in which they are used. In this lecture, I will provide an overview of demonstrative studies in general, with a particular focus on Estonian and Võro demonstrative pronouns. I will present the demonstrative systems of Estonian and Võro, and discuss the various factors that have an effect on their use and choice.
Donnerstag, 23. Januar
17:45-19:15 Uhr (Ludwigstr. 31, Raum 324)
Eesti keele viitevahendid ja nende funktsioonid
Keel on inimesele ainuomane vahend, mida kasutame oma mõtete ja ideede väljendamiseks ning omavaheliseks suhtluseks. Suhtlusel võib olla erinevaid eesmärke, mille saavutamiseks saab kasutada mitmesuguseid keelelisi vahendeid. Üheks eesmärgiks võib näiteks olla kuulaja tähelepanu juhtimine mingile konkreetsele refrendile – mis tahes entiteedile, nt asjale, inimesele, väitele –, et selle kohta midagi öelda. Sellist tähelepanu juhtimist keele abil saab nimetada viitamiseks ning keelevahendeid, mida viitamisel kasutatakse, viitevahenditeks.
Loengus käsitleme eesti keele viitevahendeid fookusega nn minimaalsetel viitevahenditel, st vaatleme demonstratiivadverbide (nt siin ja seal), demonstratiivpronoomenite (see ja too) ja personaalpronoomenite (tema/ta) kasutust eesti keeles. Annan ülevaate, millal üht või teist viitevahendit kasutatakse ning millest sõltub kõneleja eelistus ühe või teise viitevahendi kasuks. Loengu käigus teeme ka praktilisi harjutusi, et omandatud teadmisi kohe rakendada.
Freitag, 24. Januar
12-14 Uhr (Ludwigstr. 31, Raum 327)
Writing for digital products. What it entails and how it is done?
A lot of our activities have shifted from physical to virtual environments, from buying plane tickets to sending in official applications. How users interact with computers and graphical user interfaces is studied in the human-computer interaction research domain. In this lecture, the focus is on how humans interact with digital products (information systems, other applications, and websites) from a linguistic perspective. I will give an overview of the concept of UX writing – writing for the user interface, considering the users’ perspective. I will briefly explain what UX writing entails and outline the writing process. Additionally, I will discuss how insights from various branches of linguistics can offer effective tools for crafting UX copy. During the lecture, we will engage in a hands-on exercise to explore how language and culture-specific traits can influence the way UX copy is written.
Freitag, 24. Januar
18:30-20:00 Uhr (Ludwigstr. 31, Raum 327)
See ja too kirjas ja kõnes
Näitavad asesõnad – sõnad nagu see ja too ning siin ja seal – saavad oma tähenduse kontekstis. Laias laastus saame demonstratiivide kasutuskonteksti jagada kaheks: 1) ruumiline (nt “Võta too raamat sealt laua pealt”) või mitte-ruumiline (nt “Ma lugesin keskkoolis raamatut “Läänerindel muutuseta”. See raamat jättis mulle sügava mulje.). Sõltuvalt kontekstist mängivad kõneleja eelistusel ühe või teise demonstratiivi kasuks rolli erinevad tegurid. Ruumilise konteksti puhul peetakse selleks eelkõige referendi, viidatava objekti, kaugust kõnelejast (ja kuulajast). Mitte-ruumilises kontekstis on rida tegureid, mis valikut üksteisega koos mõjutada võivad. Ettekandes annan ülevaate eesti keele näitevatest asesõnadest, nende kasutuse eripäradest ning nende valikut mõjutavatest teguritest ruumilises ja mitte-ruumilises kontekstis.
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